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Alternative Smudge Stick (you choose one)

RM 30.00
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Alternative 4" smudge sticks. From left: Yerba Santa, Cedar and Blue Sage.

Yerba Santa - Holy Herb

Traditionally used as a smudge or incense for protection and setting boundaries, Yerba Santa has also been used for love, purification, growth, empowerment and beauty, and the release of emotional pain stored in the heart chakra. Uplifting scent. Traditionally used herbally for respiratory issues.

Cedar smudge sticks have been used for centuries in rituals and cleansing ceremonies. It's best known for its power to purify spaces, objects and people. Cedar is best known for its ability to attract good spirits and eliminate negative energy. In Native American tradition it was used to carry prayers to the creator.

Blue Sage is also known as Grandmother Sage and is a purifying herb with broad medicinal and magical applications. A close relative of White Sage, Blue Sage is also good for healing and cleansing rituals. Its soothing, relaxing smell can be used to aid meditation, or burned simply for enjoyment.

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