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Handmade Incense Cones (pack of 5-6 cones)

RM 15.00
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We make these ourselves! From grinding up the woods/leaves/roots, combining with precious resins and floral waters, and absolutely shaped by hand. Because we love to make the good stuff. Size of cone varies, you will get 5-6 cones depending on the size of the batch at the time. Each cone burns for 15-25 minutes, a great blast of cleansing smoke.

White Sage incense cones - for thorough space clearing. Made with USDA certified organic California White Sage, copal and a dash of dragons blood.

Palo Santo incense cones - for positive vibes and feelings of wellbeing, suitable for meditation or deep concentration, or just making home feel homey. Made with pure palo santo and frankincense.

Cedarwood & Lavender - for soothing and calming, great for burning just before sleep and for that calming spa vibe. Made with cedarwood, cedar leaves, lavender flowers, and frankincense.

Patchouli & Rose - for love and romance and relaxation. Made with patchouli leaves, patchouli wood, rose petals, frankincense and a dash of dragons blood.

Vetiver & mugwort - for soothing anxiety, calming frazzled nerves. Try it just before sleep for relaxing and encouraging dreams. Made with vetiver root, mugwort, frankincense, copal and a dash of myrhh.

Packaged with hand typed label.

Instructions: Light pointy end with a flame, wait until the cone has its own independent flame. Blow out fire after about 10-20 seconds and place on fireproof surface/stand/bowl to burn. Always make sure your container is well insulated. Burn in well ventilated space ie. keep a window open.

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